About Us

We’re a family owned and operated business who appreciate quality and craftsmanship.


We are a family run business and stand behind everything we make. We are located in Rutledge, Georgia. It is about 40 miles east of Atlanta and about 10 miles from beautiful antebellum Madison, Ga. Since 1983, we have been satisfying our customers with beautiful kitchen cabinets. Our business has been solely ‘word of mouth’. People would show their cabinets to friends and family and we would get orders.

About 12 years ago, daddy started making his children small pieces of furniture for Christmas presents . We would look forward to getting a fine piece of well made furniture that would last a lifetime and still be able to hand it down. He would make something unique that you would never find in a store. Attention to quality has always been a way of life in his business.

As people would hear about him making furniture, we would get orders for tables of all sizes, display cabinets, and even cigar humidors made from Spanish cedar. We have built solid Cherry double hutches that you must see to appreciate. We use dovetails to make the drawers and natural wood slides that work better than metal slides. We utilize practices that have worked well in antique furniture for hundreds of years.

We enjoy making things that people will be proud of. We appreciate the compliments we get for it. It is truly a love of the work that inspires us. We are a very small family run business and treat each customer as though they are a friend of ours. We would love to please you with our craftsmanship.

You can own furniture that you too, will be proud of, and be able to hand it down to your children, also. Now that the recession has hit the building business very hard we have branched again into the Scout Projects market. We make our own design birdhouse kits, bird feeder kits, and now a selection of toys for kids to nail together.



I’ve been working with wood pretty much my whole life. When I was a child I would go out to my dads shop, find a hammer and nails and see what I could make. As I got older this hobby quickly turned in to a business and before i knew it I had more work than I knew what to do with. After years of being in the cabinet business I branched out and started making kids toys. I found that people really enjoyed putting my kits together. So much that I decided to start selling them online.

I’ve received so much positive feedback about my kits and the enjoyment they bring to peoples lives. I will always offer my customers the highest quality kits I can make.


We design and manufacture all of our kits in Rutledge, Georgia USA. We are constantly coming up with new designs and offering these for sale. Please check back often.


I am looking for someone who wants to earn extra cash by selling my Bird House kits. The kits are a real value and I have had good success and all positive feedback on eBay. I would like to expand my business by inviting you to become a distributor or salesperson. You only need to purchase one of each kit that you want to sell. You assemble it with glue and maybe paint it. This serves as your display model. Check out the sampler kit. You can purchase in bulk or once you have orders. We will ship them to you within 2 business days. The kits wholesale from $8.50 to $14.00 each and you set your own selling price. This is a small investment to start your own business.

The kits are ideal as school fundraisers or group projects or scouting.

If ordering in bulk Send me an Email

If you have questions send me a message from the Contact Us page.